T-litter born on December 28, 2014        1 / 7   Inbreeding: 5 generations 6,250 %


the boy

8     Ta'zeem El'ijahs

Vanessa Francis-Kunz, Péry / Switzerland

the girls

1     Taa'hira Thana'ya

Claudia Forestier, Münchenstein / Switzerland

2        Tu'lu Esh'Shems

Shana Schiettekatte, Stendorp / Belgien

3        Ta'lisha Ishan'ti

Elsje van Mieghem, Stendorp / Belgium

4     Ta'haani Shahir'ah

Sven Menzel, Überlingen / Deutschland

5       Tahiyy'ah Ase'na

Thomas Zeltner, Rickenbach / Switzerland

6        Tay'lany Zeli'ha

Ben Feuz, La Heutte / Switzerland

7     Tal'ay Bila'Nihaya

Arno Wardega, Bersenbrück / Germany




DoubleTime's Matrix Revolutions

Coursing Lostallo 2014, 1. place

Coursing EM Lavarone 2014, 6. place

over 55 dogs

Swiss Comby Trophi, 2. place, Res. CACIL


Ma'hira Ay'peri Al Asmaanii  

CACIL winner in Galtür 2010

Junior-BEST IN SHOW 2009 in Bermatingen

Ma'hira is first of all a beloved family member, this is also the reason, why she was not often active in coursing and shows, but still she participated at some events.




Jugend-BIS Bermatingen 2009


      CH.Sea Wind Aspen's Roadrunner
    DoubleTime's Let Freedom Ring  
      CH. Aspen's Allah's Charity
  CH.Miriah's Harley Davidson    
      CH. Salish Shamars Hobicat
    CH.Miriah's Somewhere in Time  
      Miriah's Out of Africa
DoubleTime's Matrix Revolutions      
      CH.Sea Wind Aspen's Roadrunner
    DoubleTime's Revolution  
      CH. Aspen's Allah's Charity
  DoubleTime's Dot Matrix    
      CH. Aspen's Munaqqat
    CH. Aspen's Dot Com  
      CH. Aspen's Jaz Faraashah
T - Wurf      
      CH. Cazul von der Irminsul
    Turki von der Irminsul  
      CH. Ateiya
  CH. Fahim v.d. Irminsul    
      Mazuri Sawahin
    CH. Kahira von der Irminsul  
      Laski von der Irminsul
Ma'hira Ay'peri Al Asmaanii      
      CH. Aspen's Munaqqat
    Aspen's Double Trouble  
      CH. Aspen's Jaz Faraashah
  CH. Aspen's Double O Seven    
      CH. Aspen's Gift of Allah
    CH. Aspen Allah's Charity  
      Aspen's Jett